Choice of Neutralization Agent in Granulation of Triple Superphosphate and Study of Phosphate Reversion 重钙造粒中和剂的选择与磷退化的研究
In view of more demand to ESP in market, the 400 kt/ a triple superphosphate ( TSP) plant introduced from foreign country is shifted to produce ESP without canceling its function of TSP production at Yunnan Phosphate Fertilizer Industry Co. 云南磷肥工业有限公司引进生产能力400kt/a重钙装置,根据市场对富钙产品的需求量较大,在保留生产重钙产品功能的同时,改产富钙。
As the equipment and process of Anning Slurry Route granular triple superphosphate ( GTSP) are similar to diammonium phosphate ( DAP), the Anning Slurry Route GTSP install may be used to produce DAP through proper reformation. 安宁料浆法重钙与磷酸二铵生产的设备和工艺控制极其相似,对其进行适当改造,可以将料浆法重钙装置改产磷铵。
The key steps of ammonium phosphate production by triple super phosphate facility lie in the 2 stages of reaction and scrubbing. 重钙改产磷铵的关键在于反应和洗涤两部分。